From "Superman" to Man (hard cover) by J.A Rogers

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From "Superman" to Man (hard cover) by J.A Rogers


Joel Augustus Rogers (1880 -- 1966) was a Jamaican-American author, journalist, and historian who contributed to the history of Africa and the African diaspora, especially the history of African Americans in the United States. His research spanned the academic fields of history, sociology and anthropology. He challenged prevailing ideas about race, demonstrated the connections between civilizations, and traced African achievements. He was one of the greatest popularizers of African history in the 20th century.
"From Superman to Man" is a stirring story, faithful to truth and helpful to a better understanding and feeling. From Superman to Man is a vindication of the American Negro; a significant contribution to interracial literature in more ways than one. Its breadth of scholastic research, its selection and concentration of matter are as amazing as its wealth of information.
The book is well written and the skillful management of materials shows not only the author's mastery of his subject, but his knowledge of the technique of the literary art. In the program of the broadest education of the races and the promotion of social concord and co-operation this volume should be in every library and home of the country. In his absorbing story we see the souls, of the white and darker worlds groping and struggling toward the better day of peace and good understanding between the races.

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Joel Augustus Rogers (1880 -- 1966) was a Jamaican-American author, journalist, and historian who contributed to the history of Africa and the African diaspora.