25 DIAGRAMS (Art of Research) by UKMT

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25 DIAGRAMS (Art of Research) by UKMT


The type of problem to be researched helps determine which research design is the best to use. For example, if the problem deals with something historical, documentary or case study research designs would be appropriate; if one wants to study the behavior of children in a playground setting, a field research design could be used.  Selection of a research design depends on the nature of the object under study and the theoretical inferences of the study.  The latter is formulated in advance in the shape of a study proposal, pilot study, pre-schedule, and a plan that organizes the aims problem statement, literature review, theoretical framework, research design, methods, form analysis, quantitative and qualitative means of assessment, and form of presentation of findings. 

Methodology is the systematic means of achieving an aim, a definite structure to ordering research techniques, a step-by-step plan of action. In this book, we provide the diagrams to this process for you.  This book is to serve as a companion to the more extensive and comprehensive text THE ART OF RESEARCH.

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25 DIAGRAMS (Art of Research) by UKMT